Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Why Humanist is The New Feminist

A friend posted this in response to France upholding its burqa ban. This about sums up the modern feminist movement, which usually brings to my mind Femen. Both of the women in this image have been called a product a male-dominated culture. Perhaps that is true, but that's only one side of a multi-faceted issue. It is not as simple as, "Men said so, so it is." This is an issue that I have a very clear, strong belief on. To tell any person what they can and cannot be is equally wrong. Blaming the other sex is wrong. Like many women, I have accused men of certain things. Well, there are some things that are the product of male influence. But there's just as much product of female influence. The issue is media coverage, it seems. Things that put down women receives exponentially more coverage than anything that demeans men.

I've recently become a fan of Jaclyn Glenn's channel on Youtube. She has a good video about feminism that sums up my thoughts almost exactly. The average modern feminist is often negatively aggressive, hypocritical, rigid in what being a feminist and/or woman means, and overall more oppressive than the original oppression.

(This is not to say that I don't think there's an equality problem between men and women. Women are paid less than men, women are still viewed as being less than men, and women are blamed for rape; but things are getting better.)

Typically, if asked, I just state that I'm a humanist. Because I'm much more than someone for equal rights between men and women: I'm for equal treatment of all sexuality, all genders, all races, everyone. I'm for equality between everyone. I'm for the fair treatment of everyone. I'm for everyone having the innate right to life. But also because I believe everyone has the ability to be good without god(s) (that's another discussion entirely). It is convenient for me to roll all this up into that single term if I must label myself. Anyone who understands the deep-seeded truth behind feminism will agree with me (except about the God thing, perhaps). The deep down reason behind feminism is that no one should be denied something based on who they are, no matter who they are. That sentiment can be applied to everyone in one situation or another throughout the world.

- C.A. Swaim

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